Indian Baby Care
Baby Feeding
Breast Feeding
The First Breastfeed
Benefits of Breast milk
Baby Allergy Watch
Checklist of Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding after a Caesarean
Feeding your Baby
Feeding Difficulties
Frequency of Feeds
The Latch-On
Food Menu
Preparing the Feed
Preventing Babies from Infection
Producing Breast Milk
Sterilising Bottles
Progressing Weaning
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Tips for weaning
Weaning Diet for 7-9 months baby
Baby Feeding » Producing Breast Milk
Normally breasts develop the ability to produce milk by the process called Lactogenesis. During the middle of your pregnancy the first stage of lactogenesis will occurs.
Due to the response of the maternal hormone prolactin your body produces milk. When your newborn sucks at the breast, it causes more prolactin to be released in your body, which causes more milk to be produced. Therefore we can coclude that the more your baby breastfeeds, the more milk you will produce.
There are other factors that are involved in milk production other than prolactin. These include local factors, including an inhibitor of milk production that is produced as milk builds up in the breast.
In the second stage of lactogenesis your breast will become engorged as your milk comes in.

If your breasts are too swollen or breast feeding is painful, then you may take a hot shower or use a heating pad before feedings, gently massage toward the nipple while your baby is breastfeeding, use cold compresses or an ice pack after feedings, or softening the areola by expressing some milk with your hand before your baby latches on. Also, engorgement can be prevented if you baby is latching on frequently and effectively.
Once your baby begins sucking on the breast, it causes your body to produce another hormone called oxytocin. This hormone causes contraction of cells in the breast and ejection of milk, the let down reflex. It may take time for this reflex to work effectively and it does seem to work best if you are in a relaxed mood. Also, the release of oxytocin may be inhibited by stress or pain.
Your breasts will continue to produce milk (lactation) as long as milk is removed from the breasts. Involution usually occurs after weaning, when breast milk is not being removed from the breasts any longer.
How to produce more breast milk?
1. You can take Garlic. It will produce more breast milk.