Indian Baby Care
Baby Feeding
Breast Feeding
The First Breastfeed
Benefits of Breast milk
Baby Allergy Watch
Checklist of Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding after a Caesarean
Feeding your Baby
Feeding Difficulties
Frequency of Feeds
The Latch-On
Food Menu
Preparing the Feed
Preventing Babies from Infection
Producing Breast Milk
Sterilising Bottles
Progressing Weaning
Teat Tips
Commercial Baby Foods
Tips for weaning
Weaning Diet for 7-9 months baby
Baby Feeding » Bottle-Feeding
There are some mothers who will be unable to, or will choose not to, breastfeed. In these circumstances using a bottle with formula milk is the only way of ensuring that your baby gets his nourishment.
Essentially, you will need these items when bottle-feeding:
  at least six glass or polycarbonate bottles
  matching silicone or latex teats
  bottle brush for cleaning
  sterilising tank or steam steriliser, or sterilising liquid or tablets, if you are not using a steam steriliser
  a knife to level excess milk powder off the scoop
Infant formula milks are made from cow's milk, which has been specially modified to make it suitable for young babies. The cow's milk is modified because it contains more mineral salts and protein than a baby's delicate digestive system can deal with.
Infant formula is either whey or curd-based. Whey-based formula is usually recommended during the first few months, as it is more easily digestible. Curd-based formula, which takes longer to digest, is often given to older babies.
Some babies have an allergy to cow's milk. In this case, a soya infant formula may be advised.