Indian Baby Care
Baby Feeding
Breast Feeding
The First Breastfeed
Benefits of Breast milk
Baby Allergy Watch
Checklist of Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding after a Caesarean
Feeding your Baby
Feeding Difficulties
Frequency of Feeds
The Latch-On
Food Menu
Preparing the Feed
Preventing Babies from Infection
Producing Breast Milk
Sterilising Bottles
Progressing Weaning
Teat Tips
Commercial Baby Foods
Tips for weaning
Weaning Diet for 7-9 months baby
Indian Baby Feeding » Benefits of Breast Milk
Human breast milk is made up of water, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, hormones and enzymes compared to any other milk. But it is the unique combination of these substances which mentioned above makes it the best, most natural source of nutrition for your baby. Here are some of the components which make it so special:
1) Protein (lactoferrin): The low protein content of breastmilk is suited to a baby's immature kidneys. Formula milks have a higher concentration of protein.

Lactoferrin also helps your baby to absorb iron and it stops bacteria from developing in the bowel.

2) Casein : When milk enters a baby's stomach it is turned into curds and whey. The curds made from the milk protein casein pass more easily through the baby's digestive system than bulky formula curds.
3) Cholesterol: Breastmilk contains cholestral, which plays an important part in the development of the nervous system. It is also thought that exposing a baby to cholesterol early on reduces the harmful effects later on.
4) Fatty acids (or longchain polyunsaturated fatty acids(LCP)): These help baby's brain to develop and are not present in many formula milks.
5) Interferon : This factor, which is passed into breastmilk directly from the mother, helps your baby to fight viral infections.
The essentials for mother to breast feed the baby is
solitariness, confidence, practice and cleanness
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