Indian Baby Care
Baby Feeding
Breast Feeding
The First Breastfeed
Benefits of Breast milk
Baby Allergy Watch
Checklist of Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding after a Caesarean
Feeding your Baby
Feeding Difficulties
Frequency of Feeds
The Latch-On
Food Menu
Preparing the Feed
Preventing Babies from Infection
Producing Breast Milk
Sterilising Bottles
Progressing Weaning
Teat Tips
Commercial Baby Foods
Tips for weaning
Weaning Diet for 7-9 months baby
Baby Feeding » Commercial Baby Foods
Commercial food helps save time and is convenient when you are out. They can be used alone or as supplements to home prepared foods. The main disadvantage of commercial food is that they tend to be bland and smooth in texture. If your baby only has commercial foods you may find it difficult to start him eating coarser textures so it is best to provide a mix of commercial with homemade foods.
When using commercial foods:
1) Warm jars by standing them in a bowl of water for a few minutes with the lid loosened.
2) Spoon a small amount into a cup and refrigerate the balance in a covered container immediately if you only require a few spoonfuls.
3) Throw away any leftovers.
4) Commercially prepared baby cereals are good until the baby is twelve months old.
5) Check food labels and ensure that there is no added salt or sugar.